The Meaning of the Logo..
T= TRUE (Truth, Believe, Pure)
(Dana Flahr)
M= MOVEMENT ( Path, Life, Motion)
(Chris Turpin)
C= CORE (Heart, Center, foundation)
(Yosuke Hamazaki)

"BELIEVE in the PATH, YOU choose with your HEART.."


In 1997 the current "TMC Tribal" logo was created, it was a design inspired by the sacred art and line work from various Indigenous cultures. In Whistler we reside on the lands of the Sk̲wx̲wú7mesh and L̓il̓wat7úl people of Canada, and a respect and homage to their culture is the basis of the TMC Tribal Design. TIKI as well as other Polynesian cultures are also deeply engrained.

 Ancient indigenous cultures that have adapted and survived, and even thrived to Modern times are a symbol of the virility of their traditions. New fads are continuously coming and going in the blink of an eye. In our current time in the highly technological age of Social Media posts, Fast food like brand consumption, and superficiality caused by the usage of stock Fonts, We wanted to rather create a design paying homage to the importance of Family, Community and Tradition in more of a tribal esthetic. Amalgamating a Brand, a Shop, and a Culture. At TMC, We have been lucky to have been at the forefront in the birth of our sports Big Mountain & Freestyle skiing (and all its Branches: Mogul Skiing, Slopestyle, Halfpipe, Skiercross, and Aerials. ) We are also proud to Head into our 30th year in 2024 and Humbly strive to showcase the Sports we hold dearly to our hearts .

We wanted to create a Logo that reminded us as Athletes and as People, to look within when we are anxious, unsure, scared, or even unconfident... and to remind us and inspire us when we need to take Positive momentum and reassurance to follow our dreams. 


The Logo is designed to neither be symmetrical or  mirrored. The T & M when capitalized are supposed to be mirrored when cut in half, but is not the case in our logo. This attribute is also seen in the faces of People, this is the common denominator in our species. and that which makes us each beautiful as individuals.